▶ João Bosco – Obrigado, Gente! DVD Completo – YouTube
Posted on december 31st, 2013 in Music everywhere!! | No Comments »
João Bosco – Obrigado, Gente! DVD Completo
João Bosco – Obrigado, Gente! DVD Completo
De Nazi achtergrond van de ‘EU te Brussel’
Wat u altijd wilde weten over de ‘EU Brussel’– Maar niemand u durfde te vertellen!
via De Nazi achtergrond van de ‘EU te Brussel’ | www.Relay-of-life.org.
AE911Truth is verheugd de laatste editie van 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out te vertonen. De film bevat messcherp bewijs van meer dan 40 experts op het gebied van bouwkunde, hoogbouw architectuur, natuurkunde, scheikunde, brandbestrijding, metaalkunde en explosieve sloop.
via 9/11:Explosive Evidence-Experts Speak Out | Nederlandse ondertitels Free 1-hour version – YouTube.
The New World Order was founded in 1943 at the first Conference between England, the United States and the Soviet Union by leading Jesuits in Tehran. It was reconfirmed at the end of of World War II following the complete victory of the Roman Cult controlling the Roman Catholic Church in the re-establishment of effective Catholic control of the former Frankish Kingdom principalities now known as Germany, France, Austria, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
▶ SHOCKING NWO Scientific Experiment on We The People….Chemtrails, HAARP, SRM . – YouTube.
Also look into my video archive >HERE<
Legendary author, lecturer and radio host Jordan Maxwell emerged from relative seclusion to grant Infowars an exclusive interview regarding his life’s work shedding light on secret societies, occult mysticism and the inner workings of the power elite.
We all knew this was coming, we just didn’t know how soon! Pastors across America are being implanted with the Obamacare RFID chip aka: mark of the beast and promoting it to their congregations