Archive for augustus, 2014

Chemtrails Dr Russell Blaylock: Nutrition and the Illuminati Agenda

Posted on augustus 26th, 2014 in Agenda 21, Big Pharma/Medicine, Food-Voedsel, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

Codex Alimentarious and Agenda 21


Alexandra Bruce

August 25, 2014

Dr. Russell Blaylock illustrates and discusses how the human population is being manipulated into violence and eventually destruction through the use of nutrition or the lack thereof.

He says the nutritional manipulation and biological manipulation from national or international Pharma/Food/BioTech companies are degrading and impairing the human cognitive function and intellect. This is deliberate and strategic (as in Agenda 21 or Codex Alimentarious), for the Illuminati to keep the human populace suppressed, confused and oppressed.

There is a revolving door at the FDA, where former executives of oisin-producing companies have become the wolves minding the checkenhouse, all while increasing the prison industrial complex; adding new laws and outlawing naturopathic remedies, in a constant war on the people.

Over-vaccinations and mandatory vaccines are also covered by Dr. Blaylock and how people are being destroyed mentally and physically because of this. He also covers how misleading studies, like those of soy products funded by Illuminati or government-owned institutions also have destructive nutritional components (collective or individual) to further blindside the people.


Aspartame (NutraSweet) Toxicity Info Centre

Biotech Company (Senomyx) using cell lines from aborted babies in food enhancement testing:…

*Download the pdf and read for yourself:

“Some of the earliest opponents of fluoridation were biochemists and at least 14 Nobel Prize winners are among numerous scientists who have expressed their reservations about the practice of fluoridation.”


Video (49 min):

via Chemtrails Dr Russell Blaylock: Nutrition and the Illuminati Agenda.

CDC Whistleblower Links MMR Vaccine to Autism; Story Promptly Censored – YouTube

Posted on augustus 25th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Gepubliceerd op 25 aug. 2014

“…it’s the lowest point in my career, that I went along with that paper.”

— CDC Whistleblower William Thompson, PhD

(Truthstream Media) Shocking revelations about alleged CDC misconduct in a study investigating the link between autism and vaccines has been made even worse by an active campaign to censor and silence the issue in the media.

Wath the video:

via CDC Whistleblower Links MMR Vaccine to Autism; Story Promptly Censored – YouTube.

CDC whistleblower, watch out; here come the mothers « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on augustus 25th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

CDC whistleblower, watch out; here come the mothers

by Jon Rappoport

August 25, 2014

I have it on good authority that over 200 mothers of autistic children are readying a class-action suit. They already have an attorney.

They will sue, at the very least, the authors of the 2004 DeStefano study that claimed there was no link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

CDC whistleblower William Thompson, who was one of the authors of that study—and then exposed it as a fraud—should take notice.

He can become a witness for these mothers, or if he goes into seclusion and refuses to make a clear, complete, and definitive public statement, he could wind up being sued.

Read on:

via CDC whistleblower, watch out; here come the mothers « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.


Posted on augustus 25th, 2014 in Europe-Europa, New World Order, Politiek in Nederland | No Comments »


GEPLAATST DOOR ADMINISTRATOR ⋅ 25 AUGUSTUS 2014 ⋅ 14 REACTIESOnderstaand een interview met een gevangen genomen Oekraïense soldaat, geboren en getogen in Lugansk.

Vijf minuten van uw kostbare tijd, lukt dat?

Het moet wel in het Duits – want in Nederland kom je dit soort sfeertekeningen niet tegen. Zal met “ons verwerkingsproces” te maken hebben, met de kilometers lange rouwstoet nog vers in het geheugen.Voor het geval u was vergeten wie “onze strijd” daar strijden, hoe “onze bondgenoten” daar te werk gaan en waar uw belastinggeld via o.a. het IMF aan wordt besteed.Hier de bevestiging van wat de boven u gestelden vooral verzwijgen:


News: Why Wars Never End, Obama’s Crackdown on the Press, Hemp’s Rebirth in US

Posted on augustus 25th, 2014 in Articles,, Wars&Conflicts | No Comments »

Why We Fight Wars

August 18, 2014, New York Times

A century has passed since the start of World War I, which many people at the time declared was “the war to end all wars.”

Unfortunately, wars just kept happening. In influential research sponsored by the World Bank, the Oxford economist Paul Collier has shown that the best predictor of civil war, which is all too common in poor countries, is the availability of lootable resources like diamonds.

Whatever other reasons rebels cite for their actions seem to be mainly after-the-fact rationalizations. If you’re a modern, wealthy nation, however, war — even easy, victorious war — doesn’t pay. And this has been true for a long time.

In his famous 1910 book The Great Illusion, the British journalist Norman Angell argued that “military power is socially and economically futile.” As he pointed out, in an interdependent world (which already existed in the age of steamships, railroads, and the telegraph), war would necessarily inflict severe economic harm even on the victor.

Modern nations can’t enrich themselves by waging war. Yet wars keep happening. Why? Governments all too often gain politically from war, even if the war in question makes no sense in terms of national interests. Nations almost always rally around their leaders in times of war, no matter how foolish the war or how awful the leaders. Argentina’s junta briefly became extremely popular during the Falklands war.

For a time, the “war on terror” took President George W. Bush’s approval to dizzying heights, and Iraq probably won him the 2004 election. True to form, Mr. Putin’s approval ratings have soared since the Ukraine crisis began.

Read on:

via News: Why Wars Never End, Obama’s Crackdown on the Press, Hemp’s Rebirth in US.


Posted on augustus 25th, 2014 in Oranje, Politiek in Nederland | No Comments »

De laatste tijd zijn wij vrijwel uitsluitend druk met het ontmantelen van een “virtuele werkelijkheid”.

Deze werkelijkheid wordt samengesteld uit het vele “nieuws” dat ons wordt gebracht in de vorm van plaatjes, filmpjes, omgekochte pers-agenten en ‘deskundigen”.

Vandaag worden er aan “de regering” kamervragen gesteld door de “volksvertegenwoordigers”.

Helaas zit zoals gebruikelijk de eindverantwoordelijke wegens drukke werkzaamheden elders er niet bij: het staatshoofd moet het prinsessen-legsel naar school brengen.

Lees verder:


Slavery Building the Machine: The Common Core Documentary

Posted on augustus 25th, 2014 in Education to slavery | No Comments »

The Common Core System of Education is
“Just Another Brick in the Wall”
to Dumb-Down the Next Generation of
Americans; to Enslave them to the 1%.

Alexandra Bruce
August 24, 2014

Let’s not kid ourselves: the Common Core system of education is “just another brick in the wall,” to dumb-down the next generation of Americans; to utterly enslave them to the 1%.


“Building the Machine” introduces the public to the Common Core States Standards Initiative (CCSSI) and its effects on our children’s education. The documentary compiles interviews from leading educational experts, including members of the Common Core Validation Committee. Parents, officials, and the American public should be involved in this national decision regardless of their political persuasion.


The Common Core is the largest systemic reform of American public education in recent history. What started as a collaboration between the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers to reevaluate and nationalize America’s education standards has become one of the most controversial and yet, the least openly-discussed or -debated programs being foisted upon the American public.

In 2010, 45 states adopted the Common Core, but according to a May 2013 Gallup Poll, 62% of Americans said they had never heard of the Common Core. Prominent groups and public figures have broken traditional party lines over the issue, leaving many wondering where they should stand.

Find out more about the Common Core:

Video (39 min):

via Slavery Building the Machine: The Common Core Documentary.

Rob Schneider says he has smoking gun on CDC vaccine-autism fraud « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on augustus 24th, 2014 in American Politics, Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, Mainstream-Media, Mindcontrol, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Rob Schneider says he has smoking gun on vaccine-autism CDC fraud

by Jon Rappoport

August 24, 2014

Here is a copy of a letter actor and comedian Rob Schneider sent to California Governor Jerry Brown’s office Friday. It is posted at

Schneider is to be commended and supported in every possible way for stepping forward.

Schneider writes: “I have copies of the original CDC report that was later suppressed and fraudulently changed.”

I urge Schneider to post that report now.

via Rob Schneider says he has smoking gun on CDC vaccine-autism fraud « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

CNN iReport on CDC whistleblower spreads like wildfire, then censored « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on augustus 24th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, Mainstream-Media, Mindcontrol, New World Order, Social Media, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

CNN iReport on CDC whistleblower spreads like wildfire, then censored

by Jon Rappoport

August 24, 2014

On August 22, a user named Bobby Dee posted a CNN iReport about the CDC whistleblower who states he cooked data to hide a vaccine-autism connection.

CNN iReports aren’t official CNN stories. They’re “user generated news…opinions belong to the submitter.”

Well, Bobby’s submission, as Celia Farber reports at, rocketed to 45,232 views in a matter of hours. 178 comments, 17 thousand shares.

Then it was axed, removed, deleted.

CNN printed the usual tired explanation. The iReport had been “flagged.” It was “in violation of iReport’s policy.”

Read on:

via CNN iReport on CDC whistleblower spreads like wildfire, then censored « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

The food industry The trouble with bottled water

Posted on augustus 24th, 2014 in Food-Voedsel | No Comments »

What’s behind this $60 billion industry

Estimates are that global bottled water sales are about $60 billion.

“Tapped” is a 2009 documentary film by directors Stephanie Soechtig and Jason Lindsey. The two began the documentary after research into ocean pollution “kept leading them to bottled water.” Tapped looks into the bottled water industry and its long term effects socially, economically and ecologically.

The filmmakers focused on industry giants such as PepsiCo and Nestlé Waters, visiting a town that Nestlé contains a factory in as well as running tests on the bottles the company uses for its products. Their results came back showing “several potentially harmful chemicals, some known carcinogens”.

The documentary also focused on the amount of bottles that are recycled, noting that “Forty percent of bottled water is really just filtered tap water, and every day we throw away 30 million single-served bottles of water.

Source: Wikipedia

video: 5,46 min


via The food industry The trouble with bottled water.