Archive for november, 2015

Thousands Of Russian Troops Head To Turkish Border As US Planes Flee From Syrian Skies |

Posted on november 30th, 2015 in Syria War, The War on Terror, Turkey, Wars&Conflicts, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Tags: Armenia, Armenian Genocide, Dmitri Medvedev, Moscow, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Russia, Russian Prime Minister, Russian Troops, Syria, Turkey, Turkish Border

via Thousands Of Russian Troops Head To Turkish Border As US Planes Flee From Syrian Skies |

Cosmic Disclosure: Colonizing Mars – Sphere-Being Alliance

Posted on november 26th, 2015 in Extra terrestrial-Buitenaards | No Comments »


DW: All right, welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure.” I’m your host, David Wilcock, and in this episode, we’re going to continue a fascinating discussion about the “alleged” colonization of Mars by our own military industrial complex, beginning with the Germans. I’m here interviewing Corey Goode. So Corey, welcome back to the show.

CG: Thank you.

DW: We’ve been talking about the Germans getting to Mars. And one of several interesting things we talked about in the previous episode was this harnessing of a bubble type of Stargate system. You said that in the very, very beginning of when they were using this technology that it was a strictly natural phenomenon. And you said the phenomenon could be in the atmosphere, could be on the surface of the Earth, or it could be inside the Earth. You mentioned that the Germans had extraterrestrial support on knowing where these things were going to appear. If this is a natural phenomenon, then why would there not be more of a widespread knowledge about this? And why would other people have not figured out how to use these already? Read on….

via Cosmic Disclosure: Colonizing Mars – Sphere-Being Alliance.

‘Turkey Openly Supports ISIL, Desires to Rebuild Empire’

Posted on november 26th, 2015 in American Politics, Syria | No Comments »

oil, Terrorism, diplomatic relations, extremism, Su-24, Islamic State, Avigdor Eskin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey

via ‘Turkey Openly Supports ISIL, Desires to Rebuild Empire’.

Why We’re Sliding Towards World War | Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Posted on november 26th, 2015 in Agenda 21, American Politics, Banks and Banksters | No Comments »

Indeed, we’ve extensively documented that the wars in the Middle East and North Africa are largely about oil and gas. The wars in Syria and Iraq are about pipelines.  The war in Gaza may be no exception. And see this. And Ukraine may largely be about gas as well.

And James Quinn and Charles Hugh Smith say we’re running out of all sorts of resources … which will lead to war.

via Why We’re Sliding Towards World War | Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization.

It Was Europe, Not Russia, That Was Hit by the Turkish F-16

Posted on november 26th, 2015 in Europe-Europa, Middle East-Midden Oosten, Syria, Syria War, The War on Terror | No Comments »


It Was Europe, Not Russia, That Was Hit by the Turkish F-16.

‘US Leaders Measure Themselves Against’ Putin

Posted on november 26th, 2015 in Syria War | No Comments »

Unlike US presidents or presidential hopefuls, Putin, according to the expert, “has a grasp of the world as it is and the power relations in it and can speak of these plainly – bluntly if you like. He has a fulsome grasp of history and need not fear it – as American leaders must.”

via ‘US Leaders Measure Themselves Against’ Putin.

Ken O’Keefe over de BBC en bewuste propaganda – YouTube

Posted on november 24th, 2015 in 9/11, False flag operations, Mainstream-Media | No Comments »

Ken O’Keefe over de BBC en bewuste propaganda – YouTube.

Will the Real Syrian Moderates Please Stand Up? US Allies Stage Conference

Posted on november 24th, 2015 in Syria War | No Comments »

support, conference, conflict, opposition, Islamic State, John Kerry, Syria, United States, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia

via Will the Real Syrian Moderates Please Stand Up? US Allies Stage Conference.

Mysterious Middleman: Who is Buying ISIL’s Crude and Dropping Oil Prices?

Posted on november 21st, 2015 in Syria War | No Comments »

“Still, without a doubt, the dominant source of funds for the terrorists is oil, and not just oil, but a well-greased logistical machine that keeps thousands of barrels moving from unknown pumps to even refineries, and ultimately to smugglers who operated out of Turkey and other countries,” Durden wrote in his recent piece.

via Mysterious Middleman: Who is Buying ISIL’s Crude and Dropping Oil Prices?.

Stop the Putin-Bashing and Win WW III, You Allied Losers!

Posted on november 21st, 2015 in Geen categorie | No Comments »

During these last couple of weeks the world watched in horror as a series of tragic acts unfolded in Russia, Lebanon, France, courtesy of ISIS.It’s now clear that ISIS and its affiliates make no difference between East and West. Anyone opposed to a radical Islamist World Caliphate is to be wiped off the face of the earth. What happened in Paris could very well happen in Washington and New York, according to the Islamists. This means that East and West must pool their forces to annihilate their common enemy.

via Stop the Putin-Bashing and Win WW III, You Allied Losers!.