Archive for the ‘Money-Geld’ Category

The Panama Toilet Papers and the Ascension Mysteries #1!

Posted on april 6th, 2016 in Banks and Banksters, False flag operations, Geen categorie, Money-Geld, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

  The Panama Papers are not what they appear to be. Meanwhile, the Ascension Mysteries has rocketed to #1 in all three of its Amazon categories, and is currently at #464 out of all books! If you were still “on the fence” about whether this Cabal vs. Alliance war was even real, the Panama Papers should help change your mind. UPDATED TWICE Same Night! Why? Because everybody cool is doing it!


So who is behind the shoot-down of Gunnlaugsson, the banker-jailing Prime Minister of Iceland, and the targeting of Putin?

Our volunteer army of internet journalists has already unraveled and flushed the “false flag” operation known as the Panama Toilet Papers.

Who printed this roll of papers to help wipe up their mess? You’ll never guess. This excerpt from “Off-Guardian” summarizes it nicely:

4/4: Panama Papers Paid For By The Cabal

Panama Papers: Revealing details live in the gaps between the lines

The cooperative of intelligence-backed hacks who “broke” this “story” all hail from The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).

[This is] a “special project” (their website tells us) of the not-at-all-Orwellian-sounding “Center for Public Integrity”….Let’s just take a stroll down the About page of the Center for Public Integrity, and find out where they get their money from:

-The Goldman-Sonnenfeldt Foundation – they don’t have a website, but their President does. He’s a “philanthropist and entrepeneur”. In case you’re wondering…yes, that is “Goldman” as in “Goldman Sachs”.

-The Ford Foundation – yes, as in Henry Ford. Business magnate and Nazi collaborator.

-Open Society Foundation – we’ve tangled with these fine folks before. The OSF are an NGO set up by billionaire George Soros. Because billionaires love justice and freedom.

-The Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Rockefeller Family Fund – how exactly these two things differ I’m not sure, however they do both exist, and they both give money to the CfPI, because the Rockefellers are all about that integrity.

-The Carnegie Corporation of New York – As in Andrew Carnegie, the billionaire. As in the Carnegie Endowment for American Hegemony…sorry, I mean International Peace. Read more…..

Bron: The Panama Toilet Papers and the Ascension Mysteries #1!

Bron: The Panama Toilet Papers and the Ascension Mysteries #1!

Vervolg AWBZ-claim (de ’70 miljard’) | Irma Schiffers schrijft… (Dutch/English)

Posted on april 1st, 2016 in Money-Geld, Politiek in Nederland, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Naar aanleiding van ons radioprogramma van woensdag 23 maart jl. waarin we Rob Otten van ‘De Omkering’ in de uitzending hadden om uitgebreid te praten over de door ons opgebrachte 70 miljard euro die NIET is besteed aan AWBZ, zoals blijkt uit een rapport dat door Henk van Gerven (SP-kamerlid en oud-huisarts) naar buiten is gebracht, kom ik er nu op terug met het vervolg. Rob Otten vertelde dat ‘De Omkering’ bezig is om dat bedrag terug te vorderen. Al wat je daarvoor hoeft te doen is een door De Omkering op…lees verder

Bron: Vervolg AWBZ-claim (de ’70 miljard’) | Irma Schiffers schrijft… (Dutch/English)

Posted on maart 29th, 2016 in Money-Geld, Nederland-Holland, Politiek in Nederland, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »




From: Karen Hudes Date: Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 1:47 PM Subject: Re: question regarding currency To: Bengt Carlsson cc:, Netherlands Distribution List Bengt,

Thank you for this. I sent the question to H.E. Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Netherland’s Minister of Finance, about replacing fractional reserve fiat currency with currency containing gold from international monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility, to the Ministry of Finance’s contact page, and tweeted it to him on the 25th of March: This followed a letter from Minister Dijsselbloem that was debated in the Netherlands’ Parliament, in which Minister Dijsselbloem lied that the Netherlands could not carry out its own policy. H.E. Dijsselbloem knows about the decision of the Board of Governors for a Global Currency Reset. I reminded Minister Dijsselbloem of these facts: My letter of December 28, 2015 to H.E. Jeroen Dijsselbloem Lees verder…



Central Banks Move Into Crypto-Currencies as Part of Cashless Society Hustle | The Dollar Vigilante

Posted on maart 17th, 2016 in Banks and Banksters, Bitcoin, Geen categorie, Money-Geld, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Bitcoin-The-Revolution-Will-Not-Be-Centralized-Roger-VerIf central banks and their handpicked political hooligans are successful in banning cash, the central bank’s RScoin could become the only game in town for millions and even billions of savers and investors. And central bankers would love that idea because they’d have total access to those accounts. They’d know everything you were doing and the ability to seize or shut off your account at their choosing. It’s posited as a good thing.  Everyone needs a second opinion on what they need to do with their cash a… read more:

Bron: Central Banks Move Into Crypto-Currencies as Part of Cashless Society Hustle | The Dollar Vigilante

Nout Wellink heel openhartig bij Willem Middelkoop –

Posted on maart 14th, 2016 in Banks and Banksters, Money-Geld | No Comments »

Bron: Nout Wellink heel openhartig bij Willem Middelkoop –

Het wordt leeg in de winkelstraten, wereldwijd, … en niet vanwege het internet.

Posted on maart 3rd, 2016 in Economie, Money-Geld | No Comments »

Hoe groter de ketens zijn, hoe harder ze met donderend geraas in elkaar storten en vele inpandige onderverhuurders mee sleurend in de val. Wat er in de afgelopen tijd al ten ondergegaan is zijn niet de minste namen zoals recentelijk V&D, (62 warenhuizen) Unlimited Sport (307 winkels in de Benelux), La Ligna (52 winkels), Foto Klein (34 winkels), Macintosh (550 winkels in de Benelux), BAS groep (150 winkels), Ardenberg BV (49 winkels in Nederland en België), Miss Etam (195 winkels), Schoenenreus (206 winkels), Mexx (315 winkels in de EU), Halfords (130 winkels), Free Record Shop (187 winkels totaal), Henk ter Hoor (166 winkels totaal), OAD reizen (150 winkels), De Harendse Smid (43 winkels), iCenter (34 winkels), Block (20 winkels), E-Plaza (52 winkels), Piet Kerkhof (18 winkels), Sabon (51 winkels), en nog een serie kleintjes zoals Paradigit (12 winkels) en recent Perry Sport, Time Out, en Aktie Sport.

Bron: Het wordt leeg in de winkelstraten, wereldwijd, … en niet vanwege het internet.

Challenge to the Western World

Posted on januari 23rd, 2016 in Agenda 21, American Politics, Articles, Banks and Banksters, Big Pharma/Medicine, Europe-Europa, False flag operations, Geen categorie, Genocide-Volkerenmoord, Health-Gezondheid, Mainstream-Media, Mindcontrol, Money-Geld, New World Order, Secret Societies, State Terrorism, The War on Terror, Uncategorized, Wars&Conflicts, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Maybe I overlooked something, so I challenge the whole western world, every politician, intellectuals etc, etc. to come up with documented proof, historically or temporary, that Putin’s Russia is the agressor in the world.
And I do not mean “probably” or “possibly”, but undeniable, verifiable and factual proof. Show me and convince me that it is not America, UN, EU, UK, and the Cabal behind it, but Putin’s Russia we should be afraid of…












Davos Depression: Soros Predicts Devastating Deflation, Repeat of 2008 | The Dollar Vigilante

Posted on januari 23rd, 2016 in Banks and Banksters, Money-Geld, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

In Davos, billionaires plot ways to consolidate power under one government, but in Acapulco Mexico, late in February, we will meet together to discuss how to create seven billion separate governments!That’s what anarchy is all about, the ability of each individual to be in charge of his or her own life without predetermined restraints. If you injure  someone or damage something, you’re responsible. Otherwise, society has no claims on you, certainly none enforced by the power of the state. There is no stat

Bron: Davos Depression: Soros Predicts Devastating Deflation, Repeat of 2008 | The Dollar Vigilante

Andreas M. Antonopoulos educates Senate of Canada about Bitcoin (Oct 8, ENG) – YouTube

Posted on oktober 30th, 2014 in Bitcoin, Money-Geld | No Comments »

Gepubliceerd op 8 okt. 2014

October 8th 2014, Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce

“Study on the use of digital currency”, 11th session

Background on the “Study on the use of digital currency”:

In Canada, the public debate surrounding Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is currently being formalized as the official “Study on the use of digital currency”, a consultative exercise conducted at the initiative of the Senate of Canada’s Banking, Trade and Commerce committee.

Although the Senate of Canada exerts less authority than the House of Commons, its standing committees have proven to be an influential source of expertise and opinion. It also enjoys considerable international attention: according to Stuart Hoegner, general counsel at the Bitcoin Alliance, “no other parliamentary body in the world has publicly canvassed the breadth of materials and opinion that this committee has”.

via Andreas M. Antonopoulos educates Senate of Canada about Bitcoin (Oct 8, ENG) – YouTube.

China launches new World Bank rival | Pakalert Press

Posted on oktober 29th, 2014 in Banks and Banksters, Money-Geld | No Comments »

China launches new World Bank rival

China and India are backing a 21 country $100 billion Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to challenge to the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

Memorandum of understanding were signed with 21 Asian countries in Beijing Friday. Australia, Indonesia and South Korea were absent following hidden pressure from Washington.

The development bank was proposed a year ago by Chinese President Xi Jinping, and is to offer financing for infrastructure projects in underdeveloped Asian countries.

Headquartered in Beijing, former chairman of the China International Capital Corp investment bank Jim Liqun, is expected to take a leading role.

via China launches new World Bank rival | Pakalert Press.