CDC vaccine-autism fraud: what victory looks like « Jon Rappoport’s Blog
Posted on augustus 26th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »
CDC vaccine-autism fraud: what victory looks like
by Jon Rappoport
August 25, 2014
Here’s a clue: victory doesn’t look like a trickle of hidden data occasionally seeping out of a cavern.
This is all about making a case. An explosive case.
Most (honest) scientists don’t have a clue. They don’t know how or why a story explodes. They tend to favor the “trickle theory” of releasing information because it fits their notion of order and pattern.
Order and pattern have nothing to do with the asymmetrical way a story expands.
Maybe CDC whistleblower William Thompson eventually comes forward with a definitive public statement about egregious fraud at the CDC; maybe he doesn’t.
Waiting for him to do the right thing is a loser’s game.
There is another avenue to pursue:
The CDC data that would reveal fraud.
Data contradicting the CDC assertion that there is no connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.
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via CDC vaccine-autism fraud: what victory looks like « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.