CNN asks serial lying liar to comment on CDC whistleblower scandal!

by Jon Rappoport

August 29, 2014

You want a perfect example of how mainstream media covers up the truth and endangers lives? Here it is.

Yesterday, CNN published an article about CDC whistleblower William Thompson. (CNN: “Journal questions validity of autism and vaccine study.”)

The day before yesterday, Thompson confessed that he and other CDC coauthors fabricated a 2004 CDC study, in order to hide an MMR-vaccine connection to autism.

Those other co-authors included Dr. Frank DeStefano. DeStefano was the lead author of the 2004 study.

So naturally…CNN goes to DeStefano for a quote defending the safety of vaccines, and De Stefano, the accused liar, tells another lie without blushing, without missing a beat.

He says:

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via CNN asks serial lying liar to comment on the CDC whistleblower scandal! « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.