Exit From The Matrix: triumph over the empire « Jon Rappoport’s Blog
Posted on september 8th, 2014 in Informatieve websites | No Comments »
Exit From The Matrix: triumph over the empire
by Jon Rappoport
September 6, 2014
Everything I’ve been doing as a reporter for the past 32 years fits into a larger context:
We live in an empire whose leading edge is “the creation of reality.”
I can’t stress this too much.
Through various means, especially the dissemination of information, elites and secret societies build structures of reality for the rest of us.
Much of their power depends on that primary strategy because, of course, they can stand outside their own creation and monitor it, adjust it, and, when called for, add to it.
So, as a reporter, I’ve made it my job to expose these constructed realities. And with evidence, demonstrate why they are false, arbitrary, and coercive.
via Exit From The Matrix: triumph over the empire « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.