The CDC Wants Its New Bioweapon in its Possession


Alexandra Bruce

August 4, 2014

The creator of this video has studied the patent parameters of this bioweapon, concocted by the Centers of Disease Control; he traces their various Ebola hybrid creations, along with the use of a stable carrier – and it appears that they have finally struck pay dirt.

Their new proven killer hybrid is currently living inside their dying hosts and *being flown to the US. The CDC wants its new bioweapon in its possession.

Here is the patent information:

*CDC admits to harming the victims by flying them in to the US:

Here are some Other Things You’re Not Being Told About Ebola, e.g. that it is an airborne virus that is transmissible by droplets in the air:

via Genocide Ebola Virus Hybrid Bioweapon Invented by CDC.