
Welcome to, where you’ll find information on a technologically advanced, covert program of persecution and control, that has been happening for decades all over the world, and is covered-up by our societal institutions.

What follows is a brief explanation of what is happening, starting with a description of those who influence world events. You may want to read the online book after this presentation.

What They Are

Underneath our observable personalities there is a vital set of information that contains wisdom and moral values. Also encoded on this level is an emotional content that allows us to experience high-level emotions such as empathy and love. This is the place where our conscience resides, as well as the need to want to contribute to humanity. This information is critical for the survival of the human race.

There is a group of people who exist partially estranged from the rest of society known as psychopaths, who lack this information. Although the traits exhibited by these people appear in diagnostic manuals, it is less accurate to describe them as mentally-ill than it is to say that they are not human as you know it. There is usually no curing them. By any decent person’s standards they would be considered very sick.

via New World War: Home Page.