I’ve Lived in Towns Small Enough Where They

Proudly Publish the Names of Which

Traffic Cops Passed the Test, Each Week


Alexandra Bruce

October 12, 2014

The Federal deputization of local law enforcement and first responders isn’t a new phenomenon in the US but that it is being ramped-up to an unforeseen scale is.

Maybe the defense contractors are mad that the Iraq War is over and they want to keep selling their materiel. In many cases, small towns are being given tanks, left over from the wars for free.

The agency tasked with organizing this effort is the multiply-orphanized National Intelligence Agency, which has been in existence since 1947. Under the Intelligence Reorganization Act of 1992, the NIA lost most of its autonomy to the CIA. Before this time, it operated independently and was more closely associated with the National Security Agency.

However, during the mayhem wreaked upon the American security establishment during the Bush II era, the NIA became an agency in earnest, to train, militarize and to oversee the official accreditation local first responders, whereby now entire police departments in towns small and big across this land, including firefighters, park rangers, medics and nurses are now Federally Deputized.

People you wouldn’t necessarily expect are being Federally Deputized, to participate in intelligence gathering, security patrol (armed or un-armed, depending on their training and legal status); or as medical personnel to assist and aid the US Military, American Red Cross, US Secret Service, Federal, State and Local SWAT, ESU, SMU, SRT or other Specialized Enforcement or Counter-terrorism Unit as Hostage Negotiators, Profilers or other Emergency Psychiatric or Psychological Roles, as needed in emergencies big and small.

I’ve lived in towns small enough where they proudly publish which traffic cops passed the test, each week.

Watch the video:

via Police State Rise of the Police State: The Transformation of Our Public Police Forces.