Bombshell: Journal of Pediatrics—fraud, brain damage, follow the money

by Jon Rappoport

September 12, 2014

The hits keep coming in the CDC whistleblower scandal.

Sharyl Attkisson has interviewed a representative at Pediatrics, the journal that published the 2004 study CDC whistleblower William Thompson co-authored.

Thompson, as everybody now knows, admitted fraud in that study. Vital data were omitted. Data that would have indicted the MMR vaccine as a cause of autism.

But Pediatrics now officially refuses to retract the 2004 study it published.

Attkisson was unable to get a straight answer to the question, “Did you recently interview Thompson?”

From all indications, the journal didn’t talk to Thompson. They consulted, instead, the other co-authors, including DeStefano and Boyle, who are also major executives at the CDC, who are still lying and committing fraud.

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via Bombshell: The journal Pediatrics—fraud, brain damage, follow the money « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.