Grey uploaded: Sep 8, 2014Hits: 1812


Jenny Haase interviews Dara Percival from The Conscious Reporter, on her article Current Media Events and Hints of a Fake Alien Invasion.

“With hints of an alien invasion increasingly mentioned in the mainstream media, this article examines the possibility the world is being prepared for a false flag alien attack that would serve as a catalyst for military expansion.”

Dara Percival’s article: USE/DEALING: Some websites, videos, and images shown in this video have been used solely for the non-profit, non-commercial, educational purposes of news reporting, commentary/criticism, and review. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ and fair dealing of the copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law which contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research, and under Sections 41, 42, and 103A of the Australian Copyright act of :0:00, 2:25Ronald Reagan at the 1987 United Nations General :12, 1:43Bill Clinton on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in April 2014:05Earthlings not ready for alien encounters :15How would the world react to a threat of alien invasion?:21Whitehouse Petition – Searching for ET, But No Evidence :24Olympics UFO :28Paul Krugman Fake Alien :05Independence Day :58Boeing_777-200ER_Malaysia_AL_(MAS)_9M-MRO_-_MSN_28420_404_(9272090094) by russavia under CC BY-SA :Boeing_777-200ER_Malaysia_AL_%28MAS%29_9M-MRO_-_MSN_28420_404_%289272090094%:24CNN MH370 SurveyTwitter via @aedwardslevy4:54Dr. Carol Rosin :00Crop circle photos copyright Lucy :24The Friendship :59The Disclosure Project – The National Press Club see CC license details visit:

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