Ebola Pandemic
Posted on oktober 24th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola | No Comments »
Ebola Pandemic
Media Articles Show Ebola Pandemic Fear Mongering
Dear friends,
Ample evidence in the current Ebola pandemic shows that the fear generated by government and media is far out of proportion to the real risks and dangers of the Ebola virus. Many in power know that the more the public is in fear, the easier it is to manipulate emotions and direct public money into the coffers of Big Pharma and other elite groups who have much to profit from this fear mongering.
Yes, Ebola is a dangerous disease. According to the World Health Organization, the average fatality rate is around 50%. Yet the vast majority of these cases have been in African countries where health conditions and even health care is severely lacking in comparison with the industrialized world.
via Ebola Pandemic.