“The Citizens of the US Are Going to Picked Clean

Until there is Not a Piece of Meat on the

Turkey Carcass”


Alexandra Bruce

October 4, 2014

Leuren Moret begins her interview by discussing Former Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, who arrived in Berkeley, California, on September 30, 2014, as the new President of the University of California.

Few people supported her appointment and more wondered how she was chosen to be head of the University of California system, including Los Alamos and Livermore Nuclear Weapons Labs. When it was finally revealed that, like Jesuits California Governor Jerry Brown, former Secretary of Defense and CIA Director Leon Panetta, and US Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas, Ms. Napolitano was also Jesuit trained. In fact, Brown, Panetta, and Napolitano are all graduates of Santa Clara University, a Jesuit shop school for the Big Boys.

Understanding the Jesuit tie is important, because it explains her magical job history, and the Vietnam Phoenix Program “events” that are synchronous with Napolitano’s arrival, and introduced with the 2014 New Year. The Phoenix Program in Vietnam was set up by the US Military to defeat and destroy the civilian support of the Viet Cong resistance: torture chambers, assassination teams, underground prisons, detention camps, Project Popeye weather modification, and other forms of suppression to establish social and political control of a resistant captive population. It is the model for DHS.

Since the New Year, the San Francisco Bay Area has been exposed to a vast U.S. government overthrow template: DHS inventories of food suppliers, widespread gangstalking with EMF cop toys, HAARP weather modification, eugenics through weaponized intense chemtrails interacting synergistically with Fukushima radiation and new chemicals in Municipal water supplies, biologically very toxic ozone pumped into poor black neighborhoods from the Oracle Sports Stadium in the East Bay, and heavy surveillance by police and the new DHS-tactical forces.

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via Geopolitics Leuren Moret: North American Union, Homeland Insecurity, False Flags and Fukushima Update.